Sky Studies, by L.B. Williams


Sky Studies, a poetry chapbook, published by Finishing LIne Press.

The Eighth Phrase, a poetry chapbook, published by Porkbelly Press, 2014.

At Fourteen,” Gargoyle Poetry Journal, Forthcoming, Summer 2014.

Blue Years,” Pirene Fountain Journal, November 2013

“Folk Song,” The Mom Egg, Vol. 11, 2013

“And When You Came,” Vox Mom online, June 2012

“Before,” Quill and Parchment (online), June 2012

“Sky Studies,” Quill and Parchment (online), June 2012

“Father,” Quill and Parchment (online), June 2012

“For Sam,” Cradle Songs: An Anthology of Poems About Motherhood., Quill and Parchment Press,  May 2012

“Mount Fuji” and “April in Japan” (Poems), Sunrise from Blue Thunder, Japan’s Earthquake-Tsunami, March 2011, an A Pirene Fountain Anthology, Ed. Ami Kaye, Pirene Fountain Publishing, December 2011

“Sestina,” and “Uterus” translated into French, Dans Le Ventre Des Femmes  (The Image of Women), Ed, Maia Brami, BSC Publishing, France, March 2012

“Song,” “Birth”, and “1925″, an except from Forget Russia in The Mom Egg, 2011. Vol. 9, and The Mom Egg 2009

“Poem,”  Washington Square,  (Summer/Fall) Vol. 10, 2010

“Miscarriage,” (Poem),  Mamas and Papas, City Works Press, San Diego, 2010, and published in Letters to Virginia Woolf, Hamilton Books, 2005